Saturday, April 16

Photo Contest Entry

It's been busy around the Bloy Ranch the last month. My apologies for not keeping you up to-date on the happenings around here. I promise I will try and do better.
Wanted to share a photo I took of Schatzie earlier this year. The girlz and I were out doing our routine morning walk about the ranch and fortunately I had my camera in hand. I looked back to observe the sunrise when I caught this shot of Schatzie appearing as though she too, was watching the sunrise. The contest I entered is for amateur photographers and is sponsored by a lady named Joan and her blog is called   She has a monthly theme and it has encouraged me to think outside the "normal" when taking my photos. This month the theme is "Reflections" I figured everyone will be entering photos of water reflections, so I dug out the dictionary and looked up the definition of reflections....
and one of the meanings was---careful,serious thought or consideration.  Well....I do believe that my Schatzie is in serious thought in this photo. What do you think??
Again, it's just fun to think beyond the normal and catch it with the camera.

I am posting both of the photos I have entered thus far, check out her blog, there are lots of other really cool photos on Joan's site.
later, val

Schatzie, reflecting on the sunrise!!!

My entry for the RED theme.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the shout out on the your creative take on the Reflections theme..keep up the good work and keep entering the contests too. I encourage any of your readers to enter the monthly contest. It is great fun!


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